I was just on a mission trip a week ago and made a startling discovery. I made an observation while I was working on a roof with my missions team. It was about half way through the day and every one had been working really hard; then I was amazed. The Girls all of a sudden were extremely much better looking than I remembered them being in church. The make-up wasn't there, they didn't have cute clothes on or any jewelry to adorn themselves. I don't really understand it, but some how the working, the servant hearts, and the absence of frivolity suddenly made them above average. So girls, if you want a Godly guy that is what you need.
P.S. If you want to get rid of guys get a pocketbook dog, act ditsy, and don't ever do any work or get dirty.
I LOVE IT! You're truly smarter than you look. =) Just kidding. You're one of the most respected people in my life, brotha. Congratulations on your discovery.
P.S. I love your last bit of advice.
i love samuel...no, really, i love him
thats great, i love it, i dont have time to read through all ive missed right now but i will soon.
well, where's the update??? i miss you! i had susannah w/ me for lunch and her and marshall w/ me after church to go to lauren's to watch a movie. i love your family... except that you're MISSING!!!
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